Nine Mile Brewing Co.

Nine Mile Brewing Co.


Breweries & Brew PubsBarsEntertainmentRestaurants

About Us

Nine Mile Brewing Company is an innovative brewery and taproom in Bloomington, Minnesota. Our investor group has more than 300 years residency in the local community. A culmination of local experts from around the Twin Cities Metro, Nine Mile Brewing Company taps into the community spirit of Bloomington while prioritizing the production of good beer brewed and served in a welcoming atmosphere.

Located in the heart of Bloomington, less than a mile from its namesake Nine Mile Creek, our 10,500 square-foot facility includes a 3,000 square-foot taproom, a dog-friendly outdoor patio, brewing facilities and 2,000 square-feet of event space. The new taproom seats approximately 200 guests, where they can choose from over a dozen craft beers on tap, play games and more.

Nine Mile Brewing Company was spearheaded by Bob Countryman, who has long enjoyed visiting breweries around the metro area and often wondered why Bloomington, as the fourth largest city in Minnesota, did not have a taproom of its own. Bob assembled an investor group of Bloomington residents and industry experts who worked together to bring Nine Mile Brewing to fruition.

Drawing on the experience of Ilan Klages-Mundt, founding member of Insight Brewing, and John Leingang, former head brewer at Dangerous Man Brewing, Nine Mile Brewing is committed to bringing quality craft beers, a friendly and open taproom experience, and a new community gathering place to the city. The taproom will be managed by Mark Mussell, a local Bloomington resid


Main Taproom
Main Taproom
Sunday morning Bends and Brews is for everyone. Must be +21 to enjoy the beer afterwards.
Nine Mile crew volunteering on Earth Day!
Event Space
Great for weddings
Make our space your own.
need a space for your next meeting? We got you covered
What's your next meeting going to look like?
Taproom Trivia every Wednesday
Saturday morning workouts with Strength in Nutrition
Bends and Brews with Yoga Toes Retreat

Printed courtesy of – Contact the Minneapolis Regional Chamber for more information.
81 South Ninth St., Ste. 200, Minneapolis, MN 55402 – (612) 370-9100 –